We explain the basic issues in the field of BDO for 2021

From January 2018, entities operating in the field of waste management are subject to entry in the BDO registry. Despite the fact that the database on products and packaging as well as on waste management has been operating for over 3 years, companies still have many questions on the subject.
The uncertainty is additionally fueled by the turmoil around the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as the planned changes announced by the legislator. Who has to register with BDO, what kind of waste are regulated and what is the issue of reporting?
What is BDO?
BDO is a database of products and packaging as well as waste management. The basic goal for which the BDO register was created is the intention to effectively combat illegal landfills and to increase the efficiency of recycling. The publicly available, electronic database allows the collection of comprehensive information on waste, and the BDO update is based on the registration and reporting obligations carried out by entrepreneurs.
Who is subject to registration and what type of waste is registered in the BDO?
In practice, most entrepreneurs are obliged to register, keep relevant records and prepare annual reports. The type of activity of the Polish Classification of Activities (Article 50 (1) and Article 51 (1) of the Waste Act) determines the necessity to enter the e-register, but in some cases the voivodship marshal may automatically qualify entities for BDO (ex officio).
The following are required to submit reports:
- Waste producers and processing entities, with the exception of municipal waste producers or those engaged in non-professional waste collection activities,
- Entities conducting activities related to waste management (except municipal waste),
- Entities extracting waste from landfills / dumps,
- Companies offering services in the field of construction, demolition, renovation, cleaning of tanks and cleaning equipment, for maintenance or repair.
In case of some entrepreneurs, the so-called simplified waste records, which concerns, among others, entities that:
- Produce hazardous waste up to 100 kg/year,
- They produce non-hazardous waste, the weight of which does not exceed 5t/year,
- Transport waste,
- They operate in agriculture, taking into account specific regulations.
What must entities listed in the BDO in 2021 remember?
Entities entered into the BDO are obliged to submit annual reports. Currently, this process is carried out only electronically – through a separate individual account in the registry. As for the report to the BDO for 2020, the entities have time until March 15, 2021. This applies to reports on products, packaging and waste management as well as reports on waste generated and its management. Any omission or negligence in the implementation of the obligations to satisfy registration-recording and reporting BDO, may result in the imposition of high fines and even jail punishment.
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