Anti-crisis shield – government protection package for the entrepreneurs

The Polish government implements anti-crisis shield that is the PROTECTION PACKAGE the value of which is estimated as at PLN 212 milliards. The assistance plan is to limit the effects of the pandemic and support the Polish entrepreneurs and employees of the companies from the sectors affected by the crisis caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. We present the most important premises of the project.
The Ministry of Development informs that the anti-crisis shield comprises 5 pillars:
- Safety of the employees – with the value of PLN 30 milliard;
- Financing of enterprises – with the value of PLN 74 milliard;
- Health protection – with the value of PLN 7.5 milliard;
- Strengthening of the financial system – with the value of PLN 70.3 milliard;
- Public investments program – with the value of PLN 30 milliard;
We present the most important points of the program:
- The State will finance 40% of remuneration in the companies with problems, and the employer may decrease the personal costs by 60% on the condition that it will not dismiss employees.
- The State will cover almost a half of the employee salary during downtime, and his / her remuneration will not be lower than the minimum salary.
- Self-employed, persons performing work on the basis of contract of mandate and specific work contracts, in a situation of a drop of their income will receive one-off benefit amounting to approx. PLN 2 ths.
- The entrepreneurs will be able to obtain postponement or installments in order to pay the social insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Office (ZUS) without any fees. The instructions how to file the application ZUS-EOP is available at the address:
- The entrepreneurs will be able to receive CIT return via an adjustment of tax of 2019 by the losses for 2020.
- The employees can enjoy bank loan holidays at banks.
- The tax payers can benefit from moving the deadline for PIT settlement by the end of June.
- The Office for Consumer and Competition Protection (UOKiK) will protect against unjustified price increase and unlawful practices on the cash loans market.
- The small and middle-sized entrepreneurs can obtain prolongation of the revolving bank loans and receive a new financing secured in 80% by de minimis guarantees of BGK.
- The companies may obtain capital from the Polish Development Fund and turnover insurance at KUKE.
- Transport companies may make use of ARP leasing with postponed by 3 months installments.
- The micro-companies employing up to 9 persons may obtain a low interest loan from the Labour Fund up to PLN 5 thousand for 12 months.
- Health care sector will receive PLN 7.5 milliard of extra funds for fighting against the epidemic SARS-CoV-2, development of helpline for the Patient and Physician, informatisation and development of the program Medical Care Homes (DDOM) for the elderly.
- Companies will not be exposed to the effects of delays and penalties in public procurement.
- The Prime Minister will set up the Public Investments Fund with the value of PLN 30 milliard in order to stimulate the economy by public investments in infrastructure, roads, hospitals, schools, digitalization, power industry, biotechnology.
- Many obligations and administrative or court deadlines will be postponed.
- The employees from Ukraine will automatically obtain prolongation of the visas and work permits.
Details of the program are to be presented in the near future.
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